
With the Citizenship Amendment Bill the Modi Government is Correcting a Grave Wrong Done to Real Minorities

The Citizenship Amendment Bill brought by the Narendra Modi government is inviting criticism from various quarters especially his political opponents and people in the media who have literally earned a living opposing him over the past 20 years. However, if looked at in a very simplistic way, the Bill is simply a humanitarian gesture that seeks to protect minorities who’re persecuted in neighbouring nations.

First of all let’s see the most crucial aspect of the Bill. To quote from the Bill itself that was passed in the Lok Sabha:

In the Citizenship Act, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in section 2, in sub-section (1), after clause (b), the following provisos shall be inserted, namely:—

Provided that persons belonging to minority communities, namely, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, who have been exempted by the Central Government by or under clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 or from the application of the provisions of the Foreigners Act, 1946 or any order made thereunder, shall not be treated as illegal migrants for the purposes of that Act:

Provided further that on and from the date of commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, any proceeding pending against any person referred to in 5 the first proviso shall be abated and such person shall be eligible to apply for naturalisation under section 6.”

The criticism that’s coming the way of this Bill is the exclusion of Muslims from being considered as eligible for citizenship. To understand the logic and requirement of the Bill, it is first crucial to be aware of the religious demographics of the three countries mentioned in the bill – Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

  • Pakistan: Islam (96.4%), Hinduism (1.9%), Christianity (<1%), Buddhism (<1%)
  • Bangladesh: Islam (90.8%), Hinduism (8.2%), Christianity (<1%), Buddhism (<1%)
  • Afghanistan: Islam (99.7%), Hinduism (<1%), Christianity (<1%), Buddhism (<1%)

As is clearly evident, Islam is the predominant religion in the three nations. That shouldn’t really be an issue, should it? For any one religion to dominate should be fine as long as the minorities are respected and treated equally. However that has not been the case in these nations. Minorities, especially Hindus, have faced extreme horrors. Conversions, rapes, attacks on religious places and murders are common news even today. The drastic fall in Hindu population in Pakistan from 1947 till today is ample proof of the tragedies that Hindus face. They need safety and this is why the Citizenship Amendment Bill has been brought. To protect those who have no voice in their countries and are regularly bearing the brunt of belonging to an unacceptable religion in the eyes of the majority.

Why Not Muslims?

Isn’t that simple? Firstly, to not include Muslims in the Bill has nothing to do with divisive politics or hatred for the religion. It is plain logic. But this logic wouldn’t be recognised by certain power-wielding elements in our society even if it hit them in the head with a hammer.

There are over 50 Muslim-majority nations in the world of which 27 are officially Muslim countries. If a Muslim is discriminated against in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan – ironically all three are themselves Muslim nations – they can be taken as refugees by dozens of other nations. They have lands to shift to that will accord them similar beliefs and lifestyles and protection.

However if a Hindu is discriminated against in any of these three nations, where does he go? Either India or Nepal. Nepal wouldn’t be a preference for refugees considering its lack of resources and lowly future prospects. Nepal itself wouldn’t like to entertain any refugees. That leaves only India.

Given these facts, isn’t it only humanitarian to allow persecuted minorities to live safely in India? And if Muslims are targeted in nations that are Muslim-majority then it is something that the religious representatives should introspect deeply about.

India is also facing a severe population problem. Population is rising rapidly and it is creating many issues. In such a situation it is only sensible to invite refugees of minorities who’ve nowhere else to go and not people of the majority who’re already living in nations that are brimming with people of their religion, culture and traditions.

This is no way violates the rights of citizens as no citizen of Indian origin irrespective of their religion is being discriminated against or being forced to leave the country. Every minority including Muslims living in the country are very much a part of India and will continue to be.

Don’t Preach if You Haven’t Obeyed

Under the Foreigners Act, 1946, and the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920, it is allowed to imprison and deport illegal migrants. These acts empower the central government to regulate the entry, exit and residence of foreigners within India.

However, the ones who’ve ruled before Narendra Modi never followed these acts laid down by the Parliament as tens of thousands of illegal migrants in Rohingyas have infiltrated our border from Bangladesh and posed a serious security threat and added to the population explosion concern.

What the government is doing today is simply trying to give citizenship to rightful refugees who will have a safe home in India and not threaten India’s demographics or security in any way.

Wasn’t Partition Exactly About Religion?

There are some who’re questioning this move of the government by arguing that it turns the matter of refugees into a religious one rather than one of humanitarian help. I firmly disagree.

The Partition of 1947 happened exactly on the basis of religion. Jinnah wanted a separate land for Muslims and that’s what he got. Millions of Muslims moved to Pakistan because they wanted to live on a land with Islam as its religion and millions of Hindus moved to India on the same premise.

So if a Hindu is persecuted in any of the three Muslim nations mentioned in the bill then which country should logically offer refuge? India!

But Isn’t Narendra Modi Anti-Muslim?

Indian intellectuals, a great section of the media and liberals abuse Narendra Modi for being anti-Muslim. His policies and actions are aimed at belittling Muslims, is their popular rhetoric. Meanwhile, on the other hand, these very people are chastising him for leaving out Muslims from the Citizenship Amendment Bill.

Why do you want more Muslims to live under the rule of a man who, in your own words, is a hardline Hindu working against Muslims? This only goes to show the searing hypocrisy of the anti-Modi establishment that will twist reality and its own statements in the past to go with its current mood and suitability.

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