(notice the child author – Prithvi’s narration of how a ‘bored’ situation was made bearable! Also, how he moves from third person to first person towards the end. Innocence peeking through ?)
Amit was bored. His maternal grandfathers’ was not a house a kid would like to live in. He did not want to stay in Kerala for more than few days. The house in which he as living in did not have a television, air conditioner or anything like that. Now, what was he, a type of person who was not that good in studies doing in Kerala? He had come to Kerala on the pretext of attending a function in the family temple. He had come to Kerala with his mother, little sis, uncle, aunt and maternal grandmother. After the function was over everyone except he, and his sis and grandma went away. He started feeling bored on Day 2 itself and was wondering what would he do for a week or two? So he and his sister decided that they would play a type of boredom survival game. The next day his grandma gave him some chores to get over and kept him occupied for a few hours. By 12 noon he would finish most of his chores and would wonder what to do for sometime. A few days later a cat, most probably a female cat came to his house. It had 3 colours namely – black, brown and white. It looked like a SEEMA cat (these cats are famous for their furred tail. He did not know its English or Hindi name. Amit would wake up in the morning and see the cat sitting in the doorstep. He named the cat Simbani. At that time there was a disease known as crown virus which was spreading from town to town. It was spreading fast in Kerala. His family in Mumbai was getting worried. His family members convinced his grandma to get back to Mumbai as soon as possible. So we booked a flight ticket. This was the first time Amit was not travelling with an adult. His grandma was old and did not know much about such things. When the day to return came – he had mixed feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time for I did want to get away but I would miss Simbani. Thus he thought that even though he got bored in Kerala, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea if he went back to Kerala. Thus a story ENDS!!
***Published as is, no edits initiated by Team Indsamachar ***
Facts about the author
Prithvi Shivkumar is 12 years old and studies at Gokuldham High School. His hobby is reading books. His dream is to become a Game developer or Author!