Telangana TTWREIS Recruitment: Application begins for 160 vacancies of CBSE teaching posts

Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TTWREIS, Hyderabad) has invited online applications for out sourced CBSE teaching posts in 16 Eklavya Modern Residential School (ERMS). There are a total of 160 vacancies. TTWREIS is funded by ministry of tribal affairs, govt of India.

The online application begins today i.e, June 10 and will end on June 24. Aspirants can apply online at Applicants will have to pay application fee of Rs 50.

Details of Posts: 

Subject teachers for – a) Telugu b) English c) Hindi d) Mathematics e) General Science f)Social studies

Art & Craft



Technical Assistant

Pay Scale:

1. For Subject Teachers —- Rs 30,000/- per month.

2. For Art / Craft & Music —- Rs 20, 000/- per month

3. For Librarian / technical Assistant—- Rs. 17,000/- per month

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