
Poll personnel leave for Mizoram’s Ajasora village for December 4 repoll


The repoll was ordered by the Election Commission as polling could not be completed due to technical snags in the electronic voting machines on the polling day

Polling personnel on December 2 headed for Ajasora polling station in Mizoram’s southernmost Tuichawng assembly constituency where repolling is scheduled on December 4, election department officials said.

Ajasora village, dominated by the Chakma community, is around 150 km from Lawngtlai town, from where the poll personnel began their journey on December 2.

The repoll was ordered by the Election Commission as polling could not be completed due to technical snags in the electronic voting machines (EVMs) on the polling day of November 28.

Over 300 voters could not cast their vote in the polling station due to persistent EVM snag.

The 1,080 voters in Ajasora polling station would again cast their vote on Tuesday.

State election department officials said that 101 Voter verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) were replaced while 46 units each of EVM postal and ballot units were substituted during the polling in the state on November 28.

Officials said that 1,839 control units and 1,853 ballot units of EVMs and 1,831 VVPATs were used for the election to the 40-member Mizoram legislature this time around.

The percentage of replacement of VVPAT was on the higher side compared to the national average, they said.


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