As soon as the political scenario changed at the National level in 2014, we Indians, as expected, witnessed sudden but unusual changes in the behaviour of people from different fields, like :
A Majority of Media persons (Mostly inclined towards a certain ideology),
Intellectuals (Mostly Self proclaimed),
Historians (Mostly infamous as Distorians),
So called Social Activists,
Authors and many more.
Until then, we Indians were mostly unaware of all the above mentioned fraternities, their conducts and intentions.
After 2014 these changes started coming out one by one in a systematic and well planned manner in form of INTOLERANCE, Award Wapasi, TukdeTukde, Vemula etc.
The reason for the change is, the above mentioned Fraternities never liked any nationalist government to come to power, and they all tried very hard for this objective, but it was their misfortune that even after all the foul plays they could not stop it and the Narendra Modi led BJP/ NDA government came to power with absolute majority, which the above mentioned fraternity never expected.
The hate in their hearts and minds for this nationalist government and the leader heading it, Shri Narendra Modi Ji was so intense that in the flow of this hatred they never hesitated to go against the core values and the interests of our nation.
These people have their self designed style of action and self designed rules.
- They think Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression are their Patrimonial Estates and as if, only they have all the rights to use this freedom. Under this type of freedom they started supporting anti India elements, and when countered, started playing victim card and try hiding under FoS and FoE;
- They think Right to Question the government and any other person or organization is their sole right and they are immune to any counter question. Under the right to question, most of the times they went against the Interests of the Nation and when countered they cried foul and play victim card of intolerance etc;
- They distorted facts, Spread lies, Spread rumours and created unrest in the society in the name of non existing intolerance, bringing bad name to the nation. They tried to change the narratives by misinterpretation of facts and most of the times in flow of their hatred for Modi Ji and the present government they set narratives against the interest of the nation;
- They openly supported anarchy and naxal activities and in delaying action against such people and activity they helped them through courts and media projecting the establishment in bad light and brought bad name to the nation globally. When countered they again played victim card.
While doing all the above, they never hesitated to go, against the interest of the nation, and when they were called anti nationals for such actions, they started some Award Wapasi type of drama.
These people thought that they succeeded in such activities and that common people do not understand the motives behind their Anti India activities. And to some extent yes, what they think was right as few people did believe them, but not the vast majority who didn’t buy their argument.
But now the time has come, that the common citizens are not dependent only on the Mainstream Media which is mostly leaning towards all the above mentioned fraternity.
The common man of India, now have other medium of information like social media too and they have been able to understand all the agendas and propaganda of these fraternity.
So now, even if they try to hide under FoE and FoS after speaking against the nation, Even if they try to hide under Right To Question after their words and actions against the nation, even if they try to help Anarchy and Naxals under the name of legal rights, all of them would be called ANTI NATIONALS by the majority citizens not because of hatred but because of their own actions.
They are now named and shamed by the nation loving citizens due to their actions and words against the nation.
They are the Snakes in Our Backyards.
They need to be identified, exposed, Named and Shamed.
Yes they are against the interests of the nation.
Yes they are ENEMY in the BACKYARD
Arvind Lodha, can be reached out on his twitter handle: @AB_BJP