
CBI transfers over 200 personnel in a mass rotation exercise

In a mass exercise, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has transferred around 200 personnel in the ranks of LDCs (lower division clerks), UDCs (upper division clerks), crime assistants and office superintendents at 10 stations as part of a rotation exercise of those who have been deputed in one unit for more than 10 years.

CBI spokesperson Nitin Wakankar said, “It is part of an exercise carried out to rotate the personnel who have remained in the same post for extended periods”.

CBI Director Rishi Kumar Shukla and other top brass of the agency felt that the many officers were posted in different units/branches for a very long time and their conduct and work culture was “severely affecting the discipline of the agency”.

The administration unit of agency had in August this year written to the heads of all the zones/branches (HoZs) to identify officials in the executive, ministerial ranks and law officer said in their zones who have been deputed in one unit for a long time. The HoZs were also asked to identify at least 3 such officials in each branch as well as indicate the names of officers who need to be retained in the branches.

After the names were forwarded to the director office, around 200 personnel in these ranks in different units in Delhi have been moved to different stations through a string of orders issued on September 20.

The changes have taken place in 10 stations/units including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Ranchi, Bengaluru and Chandigarh. These personnel were mainly posted in units including anti-corruption, vigilance, special crimes, economic offences, policy division and other

Apart from these lower rung officers, 16 Sub-inspectors have also been transferred to different units but an official clarified that their transfers is not part of the rotation exercise.

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