Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited has released the admit card for the Junior Engineer (Trainee) civil recruitment examination on its official website. Candidates who have registered for the examination can download their admit card online at upenergy.in.
The online application process for the UPPCL JE Civil trainee recruitment examination was started on December 5, 2019, and ended on December 26, 2019. Candidates are advised to bring a copy of their admit card to their alootted examination centre or else they won’t be entertained.
How to download the admit card:
1.Visit the official website
2.On the home page, and go to the Vacancy tab
3.On the webpage, click on the link that reads, ‘Download admit card for onine exam(cbt) for the post of”junior engineer (trainee)-civil” against advt. no. o8/vsa/2019/je/civil’
4.A new page will appear on the display screen
5.Key in your credentials and log in
6.The admit card will appear on the display screen
7.Download the admit card and take its print out for future reference.