LIC admit card for AAO and other posts expected to be out on this date

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is expected to release the admit card of online preliminary exam for the recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Specialist, Assistant Engineers (A.E) and Assistant Architect (A.A) soon on its official website. Candidates must note that, as per the notification, LIC will release the hall ticket for the online recruitment examination on March 27, 2020.

LIC will be conducting the online preliminary examination on April 4, 2020, at various centres spread across the country.

The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 218 vacancies of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Specialist, Assistant Engineers (A.E) and Assistant Architect (A.A). Out of which, 50 vacancies are for Assistant Engineer post and 168 for Assistant Administrative Officers.

The online preliminary examination will be divided into three sections, i.e. Reasoning Ability, English language, and Quantitative Aptitude. Section 1 and 3 (Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude) will carry 35 marks each, while section 2 (English language) will be of 30 marks. Other than the English language section, every section will be available in both English as well as Hindi languages. The total time duration of the examination will be of 60 minutes, i.e., one hour.

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