Telegram is an app known for its features such as disappearing messages and secret chats. Now the company has launched a new feature for Channels on its platform that will enable users who have subscribed to a particular channel to have a discussion on a topic and chat with one another.
This feature is called the Discussion Button. Up until now, users who had subscribed to a particular channel could only see the feed by a particular channel but not respond to a particular message.
The newly launched Discussions button changes that by allowing users to discuss contents of a message in a channel. This, however, happens in a separate group chat window that is attached to the main channel. This feature also enables users following a channel to chat with one another.
“All the messages automatically get re-posted in this chat group once you send a message to the main channel. The concerned authorities can also pick up feedback and queries coming from their users posting on the group chat, and can act accordingly,” Telegram wrote in a press release.
Here’s how you can create a Discussion Chat Group attached to a closed channel on Telegram:
Step 1: The admin of the channel needs to click on the top right corner button of a channel.
Step 2: Tap on Manage Channel option.
Step 3: Now select Discussion followed by a button named as Add a Group.
Step 4: Tap on Create a Group option
Step 5: Insert desirable Name for your associated group chat forum. And you are good to go.