
Surging new Bharat under PM Modi after decades of misrule by Congress : Part I



(Writer has preferred to use Bharat instead of India)

After 70 years of Independence and during the last 4-1/2 years of PM Narendra Modi we are coming across the positive news every now and then encouraging the people of country:

  1. Ease of doing business rank in Bharat (India) has increase to 77 in 2018 from 134 in 2013-14 and 139 in 2010.
  2. India has become a fast growing economy. A predicted 7-8% growth in economy is predicted by various agencies
  3. Compliance of tax payers increased to more than 6-crores from approx.3-crores in 2014 India has become a fast growing economy. A predicted 7-8% growth in economy is predicted by various agencies
  4. Budget Deficit is kept around 3%
  5. Average Inflation is < 5%
  6. Commodities prices are within the reach of common man
  7. Many social fare schemes are launched for privilege class
  8. Various countries are praising Bharat and consider her to be among super power in the coming year.
  9. Electricity is provided within the specified time to more than 18000 villages that have been deprived of power since last 70 years.
  10. Morality rates in villages and poor class is reducing.
  11. Crores of people have come out of BPL limit.
  12. No of Infrastructures initiated four years back are getting completed within the projected time.
  13. +50Crores people from privileged class to be covered under free medical scheme.

What has changed since May’2014 that world and various agencies have started speaking positively for Bharat economic and are coming forward for investments? How the government is meeting the finance required for the social welfare schemes lunched by PM Modi government?

Let us have a look since Bharat got independence on 15Th August’ 1947.


After World War–II many countries across the globe had suffered adversely. Japan was worst affected due to atomic bomb attack on their two major cities which not only destroyed these cities but a large population was affected with radiation.

China after a prolonged civil war between Nationalist Party (KMT) and Communist Party (CPC) formed People of China on 1St Oct’1949. China has also internal problems and was struggling poverty. Besides being the highest populated country, a large percentage of people were poor, addicted to “Charas” & “Afeem” and un-employments.

Bharat got freedom from British Rule on 15T Aug’1947 after a long turmoil period of autocracy and slavery under Mughal and British rules. It was a celebration time for all people of Bharat to get freedom and they were anxious and looking forward for a better life than they and their ancestors have lived. However, independent Bharat also had the problems to unite a disintegrated nation handed over by British giving freedom to 562 “Princely States” that were under British Rules. Beside the nation was divided into two parts on religious basis namely “HINDUSTAN” and “PAKISTAN”. The freedom was short lived as the entire country was engulfed with communal riots and faced a bloodbath. The initial years also saw the war for occupying these 562 “Princely States” either by persuasion or by force. “Hindustan” has taken approach of persuasions with “Instrument of Accreditationto merge the free Princely states with her. On the other hand “Pakistan” has used threat and military action who refused to merge with them. While Hindustan under Sardar Patel able leadership succeeded in merging various states Pakistan expanded its area by capturing Balochistan, Sind and Peshawar etc. They would have succeeded in capturing Jammu and Kashmir also but due to timely military rebuttal action taken by Sardar Patel, Jammu and Kashmir could be saved. However, due to untimely declaration of ceasefire by Jawaharlal Nehru and sated in a radio broadcast that Jammu and Kashmir area shall be resolved through United Nation, a large part of area remained under Pakistan which is now known as “Pakistan Occupied Kashmir”. Due to poor foresight the seed of troubles were created for future.

Also, had PM Jawaharlal Nehru accepted the request of NEPAL PM Matrika Prasad Koirala, Kalat (Balochistan) Ahmad Kalat, Leaders of Sind and Tibbet etc the Map of Bharat would have been of Akhand Bharat and Pakistan would have been contained to West Panjab and East Bengal.

Independent Bharat (Hindustan), China and Japan as also other countries viz: Germany, Korea, Vietnam etc (who were also divided in two parts) and were more or less in similar situations. Today we find that Germany, Korea, Japan, China have surged ahead and major manufacturing and  have become exporting hubs and economic power. By 2014 China, Japan, Germany were among the top Four GDP Countries as per Fig.1. India GDP was a distant 8Th at 2050 Billion USD which was approximately 11.77% of USA, 19.75% of China and 43% of Japan.

TABLE-1 (GDP 2014)


Bharat has the second largest population after China. Its talent is second to none. Those who did not get any opportunity in to contribute in Bharat migrated to USA and other countries and contributed outstandingly to growth of those nations. Why this brain drain of outstanding young intellectuals? Why Bharat could not grow by leap and bound like China or Japan or other countries?

LORD Macaulay in 1833 /1835 Suggested in British Parliament:

“I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.(Reference: )

The first PM of India Jawaharlal Nehru has stated:British after this systematically destroyed the “Gurukul” teaching to cut off its people from its roots and established Convent education system. Jawaharlal Nehru was product of this very system and acknowledged it also.


              * unverified

PM Narendra Modi in one of his speech on unveiling the “Statue of Liberty” has stated:


China, Japan, Germany, Korea stick to their culture and traditions. They developed themselves and children on the strength of their culture, education system, discipline and moulded them in true patriotic and respectful.

Even after the independence PM Nehru continued to follow the LORD Macaulay Theory. British also had created a divide among the communities and ended up dividing the nation on religious base. Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi and her children continued to follow these. Nehru and Gandhi families have no connect to the roots of the nation. They have lived their life full of luxuries and continued to enjoy the same even after independence. When the person at helm does not consider cuts from his roots and define himself as “HINDU BY ACCIDENT” and has no connect of the ground realities they cannot have respect to the basic culture of their country that he belonged to. Nehru imposed and promoted English culture in education system and English education systems were given priority. Higher education system was built around English. Those who were good in English mocked the non-speaking English person seeding a feel of guilt and inferiority. This has continued even today. Being a Hindus is termed as communal. RSS which is a Hindu Organisations are termed as a Communal Organisation and by various names.

Today English has become Bharat major language. Today generation are more comfortable English than Hindi or regional languages. We have distanced ourselves from our roots. All our “VED” and religious books, mantra, prayers are written in Sanskrit language which has been systematically removed from education system. Hindu culture and Hinduism is treated as being communal. Toxisim has been introduced in education system. History has been tarnished with wrong facts. Real hero of Bharat freedom and our history of 10,000+ yrs old have been treated as myth. Nehru and Gandhi family has been embedded in the education system as a saviour of Bharat. The focus has been for creating the divide within the society on cast and religion basis. Appeasement and benefits are given for creating vote banks to remain in power.

Corruption and Scams by Congress:

Appeasement of Muslims, Vote bank and divisive politics, Riots and corruptions are the DNA of Nehru and Gandhi governance. All of them have been involved in various scams and corruptions draining out billion of dollars of tax payer money from the system which are in public domain.

Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi all have been accused of corruptions and scams during their tenure. UPA-1 & UPA-2 under Congress President Sonia Gandhi and PM Man Mohan Singh has exceeded them all. We all have known the corruption charges and scams that were making the news during UPA-2. All scams were running in thousands to Lakhs of crores of rupees. Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Former Finance & Home Minister P Chidambram and his Son Karti Chidambram and other leaders are facing criminal charges and are out on bail.

If all the billions of dollars that are said to be drained out from the nation would have been re-invested in the country, there is no reason why Indian would not have become a developed nation and at par with China and Japan or other nation. (Reference: A to Z scams by Congress: )

— To be continued in Part-2 (Surging New Bharat under PM Narendra Modi)


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