SSC, HSC results: 706 students apply for re-evaluation

With higher secondary certificate (HSC) and secondary school certificate (SSC) students witnessing a drop in passing percentage this year, 706 students have applied for re-evaluation of their answer sheets, while around 19,000 have applied for photocopy and re-totalling of answer sheets

According to data from the Mumbai divisional board, until June 29, which was the last day to apply, the board received 5,014 applications for photocopy and 1,462 for re-totalling from SSC students in the Mumbai division. A total of 9,889 HSC students applied for photocopy and 3,226 applied for re-totalling.

“With a large number of applications this year, we tried to ensure that students get their photocopies and re-totalled answer sheets within eight days,” said Sharad Khandagale, secretary, Mumbai divisional board.

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