
Spain mulling curfews to tackle Covid-19 resurgence

Madrid: The Spanish government announced that was considering fresh curfews to tackle a resurgence in the number of new coronavirus cases, Addressing the media here on Tuesday, Health Minister Salvador Illa said that imposing a curfew in Madrid and also in some other parts of the country would require invoking a State of Emergency, the Guardian newspaper reported.

The State of Elarm, which restricts mobility into and out of the Spanish capital and a further 12 municipalities in the region, was imposed earlier after they passed several Covid-19 criteria. The Minister added that a curfew lasting for over two weeks would “require the support of some opposition parties”.

On Tuesday, Spain reported 13,873 new coronavirus cases and 218 fatalities, which increased the overall infection tally and the death toll to 988,322 and 34,210, respectively. Meanwhile, the country’s Navarre region has already announced a two-week lockdown which will come into force from Thursday and will be much stricter than the measures imposed on Madrid.

People will only be allowed in and out of Navarre for work, university studies, to care for relatives, or for emergencies, the Guardian quoted the regional government as saying. Restaurants, cafes and bars will be closed, while shops can open at 40 per cent capacity but close by 9 p.m. The lockdown in and around the capital is due to expire on Saturday.


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