Reserve Bank of India has declared the results of the RBI assistant preliminary examination on March 3, 2020. Candidates who have appeared in the examination can check their results online at
RBI conducted the preliminary examination on February 14 and 15, 2020, at various centres spread across the country. The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 926 vacancies of assistants.
Candidates who have cleared the preliminary examination will now appear for the main examination scheduled to be conducted on March 29, 2020, at various centres.
Separate Admission Letters for the Main Examination should be downloaded from the RBI Website. The time of Main Examination and Venue of Examinations will be indicated in the admission letters.
The link for downloading Admission Letters, Information Handout for Main examination, Instruction to PWD candidates/ Joint undertaking / Declaration form for PWD candidates using scribe, will shortly be made available in RBI website.