
Paddy procurement crosses two crore metric tonne in ongoing Kharif season

Paddy procurement for Kharif 2020-21 has now crossed two Crore Metric Tonnes mark with bumper procurement of 204.59 Lakh Metric Tonne Paddy in the procuring States and UTs of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Chandigarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala and Gujarat till Saturday against the last year corresponding purchase of 168.87 LMT. This is an increase of 21.16 percent over last year.

 Out of the total purchase of 204.59 LMT, Punjab alone has contributed 142.81 LMT which is 69.80 percent of total procurement. About 17.23 Lac farmers have already been benefitted from the ongoing KMS procurement Operations with MSP value of 38627.46 crore rupees.

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