
Microsoft to set up campus in UP soon

 This will ensure employment to about 4,000 persons in the state.

An agreement through a virtual discussion has been reached between Microsoft India managing director, Rajiv Kumar, and UP MSME minister Sidharth Nath Singh.

The Microsoft team will soon make a site visit.

According to the minister, “The government had earlier said that it will make it simpler for investors willing to acquire land within 1 km distance on each side of the state’s expressways. The company has said that they want to move their North India campus to Greater Noida. The next step will be a site inspection by the team both in Greater Noida and along the Yamuna Expressway and this will be followed by their proposal which the state government will examine.”

The software major currently has two campuses, with capacities of 5,000 and 2,000 each, in its headquarters in Hyderabad and in Bengaluru.

Uttar Pradesh, meanwhile, plans to develop an electronics manufacturing park near the Jewar International Airport.

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