Maruti Suzuki helps government in fight against COVID-19

Maruti Suzuki, the automobile giant is now spearheading the production of low cost ventilators in country and helping the government in the fight against COVID-19.

The production is going on in Gautam Bhuddh Nagar of Uttar Pradesh where company is supporting Agva Healthcare, a start-up to scale-up ventilator production.

Maruti Suzuki, a household name in the field of car production is now using its expertise and capabilities for large scale manufacturing of low cost ventilators which will be used in saving lives of patients suffering with COVID-19. RC Bhargava, Chairman of Maruti Suzuki Industries said. He also said that government approached them in end of March and with-in 20 days the production increased manifold.

The low cost ventilators were designed by Agva Healthcare and Maruti Suzuki is enhancing the production by pouring in the vendors and doing the quality control. Bhargava thanked central and UP government for providing every kind of support related to production and other issues.

Now cumulative production at the production centre in Gautam Budh Nagar has crossed 1200 units and company is hopeful that they will deliver the order of 10 thousand ventilators by government within a month.

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