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Lucknow ‘pot-holed’ roads figure in state legislative council

Lucknow, Aug 30  The spate of fatal accidents on Lucknow’s “pot-holed road” figured in the state Legislative Council today, with a Congress member claiming 381 deaths in road mishaps in last eight months.

Promptly responding to the member’s concern, Leader Leader of the House and Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma promised to have the roads repaired before soon, admitting that they have been damaged due to the rains.

He also asked MLC Deepak Singh to provide him a list of the people, who lost their lives, so that the government could provide compensation to the next of their kin.

Raising the matter in the House, Singh said, “The BJP had promised pot hole-free roads. But, in the last eight months, as many as 381 persons lost their lives in road accidents, while 432 persons sustained injuries.

“People have even moved consumer forums in this regard. Apart from pot-holes, another reason for accidents is stray animals,” he said.

“The government moves in chopper, but we have to bear the brunt of pot-holed roads,” he added.

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