Ending some uncertainty for students, the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT-K) has decided to promote all students including the final year graduating students depending upon their performance in the semester.
“As a one-time exception, all the students will be awarded grades for their courses based on mid semester exam/quizzes/assignments/projects etc and such other performance indicators obtained through online instruction during suspension of the semester and as decided by the instructors,” said IIT-K director Abhay Karandikar on Sunday.
He said, “Considering the extraordinary disruption in the semester including the summer term, the institute has decided to grant certain credit relaxations (as approved by the Senate) to the graduating batch in order to help the students graduate on time.”
He said, “We have closed the current semester (2019-20) for all students.”
In the special grading scheme adopted specifically for these extraordinary times, only A, B, C and S grades will be awarded and no student will fail. The grading for courses and theses will be completed by June 30. There will be no terminations at the end of the semester, he said.
Director said, “Additionally, the non graduating students have been given the option to appear in a re-examination in order to improve their grades. The re-examination will be conducted as a one-time measure once the semester resumes.”
He said that BTech/BS students in their final year, who wish to convert to Dual Degree will be permitted to do so. Similarly, eligible Masters students can also apply for conversion to PhD program.
The Masters students who were unable to complete their research work for Masters thesis due to the lockdown have been given the option to submit a Masters project report in order to enable them to graduate. Further details of the decisions of the Senate and various implementation aspects will be communicated to the students separately.
On the whole, IIT Kanpur Senate has adopted several extraordinary measures to help the anxious students (especially those in their graduating year) whose academics have been disrupted due to Covid19.
IIT-K director Facebook post reads as of now, no decision has been taken regarding the commencement of the next semester and allowing students into the hostels.
“We are working out details with a plan to ensure safety and well being of all students on the campus. These details will communicate with the students in this regard in due course,” he said.