Himachal Pradesh schools vacations extended till June 15

Himachal Pradesh government on Saturday announced the extension of schools’ vacations till June 15 in the view of COVID-19 pandemic.

“Vacations in the schools all over Himachal Pradesh are extended till 15th June, 2020,” order from Directorate of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh read.

All the schools and educational institutions have been closed due to the lockdown to contain the spread of virus. However, many schools had declared summer vacation amid lockdown.

Earlier in the day, The Home Ministry issued new guidelines for the phased reopening of all activities outside containment zones till June 30.

MHA said that activities to be allowed with effect from June 8, 2020, in phase one include – religious places/places of worship for the public, hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality services and shopping malls.

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