
Gold smuggling case: COFEPOSA act likely to be invoked on Swapna Suresh

Thiruvananthapuram: A COFEPOSA act is likely to be charged against main accused in gold smuggling, Swapna Suresh. The decision is being taken due to her high-profile relationship and the possibility of remaining in hiding.

The Union Home Ministry is taking the issue of COFEPOSA act into consideration. If this order is issued, it will be up to the respective district police chiefs to arrest Swapna and put her behind bars.

At the same time, Customs claimed that they have not sought the help of police to find the absconding Swapna Suresh. Customs have a strict directive not to leak investigative information related to her.

Customs assume that Swapna is unlikely to flee from Kerala due to coronavirus outbreak. In order to trace phone numbers of those in hiding and suspects, police’s cyber department is required. However, the Customs have not even sought the help of cyber department.

COFEPOSA or the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act is an Act of Parliament passed to retain foreign currency and prevent smuggling.

As Published by Janam TV

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