
First Night trial of surface-to-surface medium-range missile Agni-II conducted successfully

India has successfully conducted the first night trial of Agni-II, its versatile surface-to-surface medium-range nuclear-capable missile from Dr Abdul Kalam Island off Odisha coast yesterday.

Agni-II, an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM), has already been inducted into the armed forces.

This was the first time that the sophisticated missile was testfired at night.

The entire trajectory of the trial was tracked by a battery of sophisticated radars, telemetry observation stations, electro-optic instruments and two naval ships located near the impact point in the down-range area of Bay of Bengal.

The test was carried out by the specially formed Strategic Forces Command (SFC) of the Army with logistic support from the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

The two-stage ballistic missile can carry a payload of 1000 kg over a distance of 2000 km. 

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