
Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: 5 ways to protect yourself

With the novel coronavirus spreading across the globe at an alarming rate, people are panic stricken. On Monday, India reported two more confirmed cases of COVID-19, one in Delhi and another in Telangana.

Coronavirus spreads through close contact with an affected person, so maintaining proper hygiene is necessary.

There are some simple steps by which people can prevent the spread of the virus and save oneself.

Regularly cleaning your hands

Our hands are most likely to carry a lot of germs and the best way to kill microbes is to frequently wash your hands with either alcohol-based products or soap and water.

Refrain from touching your eyes, nose and mouth

The virus can easily get transmitted from your hands to your eyes, nose or mouth. Even when inside the house, try not to touch your face.

The 1-metre rule

Make sure that you are at least 1 metre or 3 feet away from a person coughing or sneezing. If you remain too close, you might inhale the small liquid droplets sprayed during a sneeze or cough. These droplets might contain COVID-19 if the person has the disease.

Exercise proper respiratory hygiene

Cover your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing with a flexed elbow or a tissue. If you are using a tissue, discard it immediately after use into a closed bin. Encourage those around you to do the same.

Seek medical care early

As soon as you notice symptoms of fever, runny nose, cough or difficulty in breathing, visit a doctor without any delay. Stay at home if you feel unwell. By remaining indoors, you will be saving others from contracting flu, cold or COVID-19 from you.

Also, your own body is vulnerable during illness, you will be saving yourself from getting affected from the virus by staying indoors.

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