CBSE 10th Result 2020: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared the class 10th results 2020 on its official website at Students who have appeared in the CBSE class 10 examination can check their result at the official websites. Alternatively, the results can also be checked at and A total of 91.46% of students have passed the examination. There is an increase of 0.36% percentage in comparison to last year’s 91.10%. This year, girls have outscored the boys with a pass percentage of 93.31 while the pass percentage for boys is 90.14%. A total of 2.23% of students or 41,804 students have scored more than 95% marks in CBSE 10th exam this year.
This year around 18 lakh students had taken the class 10th exam. CBSE has already declared the class 12th results on July 13. A total of 88.78% students have passed the class 12th exam.
How to check CBSE 10th result 2020 online
1. Visit the official results website of CBSE at
2 Click on the link for the CBSE class 10 result 2020
3. Key in your credentials and login
6. The result will be displayed on the screen
Students can also check their results on UMANG app or DigiLocker app by entering their login credentials as mentioned in their admit cards.
This year, CBSE has calculated the results on basis of alternative assessment scheme. According to the official notification, the alternative assessments scheme will operate in the following way:
1. If a student appeared for more than three subjects before the examinations were cancelled, an average score will be calculated taking into account the three subjects in which the student scored highest.
2. For those students who appeared in lesser examinations, the average will be based on the two highest-scoring subjects and allotted to the remaining papers.
3. For those who appeared in less than three exams, results will be calculated based on the marks in the appeared subjects along with their performance in internal/ practical/ project assessment.
The author tweets @ NandiniJourno
As published by Hindustan Times