
Bahrain:BKS-JEEP Junior and senior Open  Badminton tournament 2019 

Curtain raiser of BKS-JEEP Junior & senior Open  Badminton tournament 2019  will be on 14th January at 7 pm. followed by official inauguration ceremony at 8 pm said BKS President Mr. P.V. Radhakrishna Pillai and Mr. M.P. Raghu in a press note.

The tournament will be held at the BKS Diamond Jubilee Hall from 14th January 2019 till 19th January 2019.

309 players from various places to participate in BKS-JEEP Junior & senior Open  Badminton tournament 2019  .  In the history of BKS Badminton Tournaments, this is the first time a huge number of players are flown into BKS to take part in the event said Mr. Shanil Abdul Rahim, BKS Indoor Games Secretary. This tournament will be one of the major sporting events for the talents and will attract a crowd of more than 2000 spectators.

The tournament has Boys & Girls – Singles & Doubles in the age category of U11, U13, U15, U17, U19 and for seniors 4 events – Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles, and Veteran’s Doubles. Trophies, Certificate (for Juniors)Will be awarded to the Winners and Runner-up.

Matches will start from 6.30 pm every day and the final matches will take place on 19th January 2019.

Entry to the tournament venue is free and BKS welcomes all Badminton enthusiasts to come and support the talents.

International News Desk, Bahrain

Mr.Sisel Panayil Soman, COO – Middle East

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