Andhra Pradesh Gram Sachivalayam Recruitment 2020: Today is the last day to apply for recruitment against 16000 vacancies. If you have not applied for the posts yet, do it now as the application window will close today at 11:59 pm
The vacant posts include, Panchayat Secretary, village revenue officer, ANMs/ Multi purpose health assistant (female), village fisheries assistant, village horticulture assistant, village agriculture assistant, village sericulture assistant , Mahila Police and Women & Child Welfare Assistant / Ward Women & Weaker Sections Protection Secretary (Female), Engineering Assistant (Grade-II), Panchayat Secretary (Grade-VI) Digital Assistant, Village Surveyor (Grade-III), Welfare and Education Assistant, Ward Administrative Secretary, Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade-II), Ward Sanitation & Environment Secretary (Grade-II), Ward Education & Data Processing Secretary, Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary (Grade-II) and Ward welfare & Development secretary (Grade-II).
Interested candidates can apply online at or or