
11 Fugitives and 101 Terrorists Have Been Extradited by the Modi Government

11 Fugitives and 101 Terrorists Have Been Extradited by the Narendra Modi Government


There are many areas where the Narendra Modi government has done tremendous work, however information about the work hasn’t reached people.

The reasons for the same are two:

  1. BJP’s social media campaign have been lethargic at best. It has relied solely on brand Narendra Modi. Prime Minister Modi’s schemes have reached the ground which is evident in the successful transformation in many social and economic aspects, but there are certain things that don’t impact people’s lives and must be told to the people before they fall prey to lies or develop a belief that the government has done nothing on those fronts.
  2. The print and broadcast media have not highlighted the successes of the government which isn’t surprising considering many in the media fraternity have their own deep biases.

These factors have led to a misinformed public on numerous matters, one of which is the action that the Modi government has taken against fugitives and terrorists living outside India.

Let us first revisit some of the major successes of the government in extraditing fugitives.

  • Chhota Rajan, who was once a close aide of Dawood Ibrahim, was brought to India in 2015 from Bali. He had been on the run for more than 20 years, and faces charges relating to dozens of crimes including murder, extortion and drug trafficking.
  • Christian Michel is a British national who was involved in the AgustaWestland scam. He was successfully extradited by the Modi government in November. He is said to be close to the Congress party, and his revelations to the CBI could be incriminating for the Congress party’s top leadership.
  • Everyone is aware of how Vijay Mallya fled India a few years back to escape the Indian authorities. The entire media went berserk targeting the Modi government for letting him escape, and talked as if the current government was responsible for the Kingfisher Airline scam. The truth, however, was that Vijay Mallya was given indiscriminate loans under the UPA government, the very loans on which he later defaulted and escaped India. In a massive victory for the Modi government, the UK court recently upheld the extradition of Vijay Mallya. This not only shows the diplomatic prowess of the Modi government but also throws light on the integrity and honesty of the government.

As mentioned earlier, people aren’t accurately aware of the intense diplomatic work of the government in bringing offenders closer to justice.

Two more instances that highlight how serious the government is in taking action against those who’ve looted India are:

  • The first case of extradition of an economic offender happened in October 2018 when Mohammad Yahya was arrested and brought back to India from Bahrain. He had cheated banks of Rs 46 lakh in 2003 and fled India.
  • Vinay Mittal, an industrialist, had defrauded banks of Rs 40 crore. He was living in Indonesia until the government had him extradited.

Bringing back offenders from foreign countries isn’t as easy as it seems in rhetoric on social media. Treaties need to be signed to enable extradition. India has signed such treaties with 50 countries and entered into extradition arrangements with 10 more nations. A total of 11 economic criminals have been brought back the Modi government in the last three years!

Strategic News International made an absolutely fascinating revelation that should make every Indian applaud the efforts of the central government in securing the country. From 2014-18, 101 terrorists have been returned to India by foreign governments! Of these, 32 were returned by the UAE. The ISIS has looked to spread its wings in India. But it is evident that the Narendra Modi government has been up to the task as of the 101 terrorists returned to India 47 were from ISIS. Others were involved with groups such as LeT, Indian Mujahideen, NSCN, etc.

These achievements of the Modi government are a slap on the face of those who mock his foreign trips. India has developed significantly better relations with nations, especially Muslim ones, which is helping it in its fight against terrorists staying abroad. A fear has been created in offenders who’ve cheated India or acted against the state by picking up arms.


Source: snwirenews & economictimes

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