
Wat A (er) a forecast for 2050

Mr. Kumar Sarangapani

The year 2020 has been tumultuous to the entire country with the threat of the

century with COVID19 in all fronts of economy, livelihood uncertainty & chaos

which is continuing with the backdrop of second wave that has happened in the

some of the western countries despite the availability of vaccines which started

giving faint optimism. Of course, it would take quite a while for achieving herd

immunity followed & longer for eradication.

While COVID still continues to be a fear even after reasonable level of decline

in the Asian Countries, there is a looming somewhat slow but almost permanent

threat which has still not been addressed seriously as the situation is being

viewed for the year 2050. It is to be noted that unlike COVID this would be a

gradual regression without a tangible solution and the persistent long-term

strategy being continuously monitored and implemented. The principal drivers

are as under:

844 million people lack basic drinking water access, more than 1 of every 10

people on the planet. By 2050, at least 1 in 4 people will likely live in a country

affected by chronic or recurring fresh-water shortages. 2.3 billion people live

without access to basic sanitation.

780 million people lack basic drinking water access, more than one of every 10

people on the planet.

India ranks in one of the most water stressed countries as of as of the year 2012

in the colour coded map as under:

The current latest situation of Water Stress global mapping in the year 2020 is as under which covers the complete states in India which is nearing the brown mark of course not the dark brown which is a water emergency :

A look at the 2050 map under the current status quo mode (without strict water management & water audit mode) will make the country into a water emergent situation as under:

5 Countries Most Threatened by Water Shortages

  1. Libya. Libya’s troubles are twofold in that it is undergoing a period of political upheaval while also suffering from lack of water and other resources. …
  2. Western Sahara. …
  3. Yemen. …
  4. Djibouti. …
  5. Jordan

By the year 2040 there will not be enough water in the world to quench the thirst of the world population and keep the current energy and power solutions going if we continue doing what we are doing today. … By 2050, 1 in 5 developing countries will face water shortages (UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization).

If monthly, rather than annual, variability is considered, 3.6 billion people worldwide, slightly less than 50% of the global population, presently live in potential water-scarce areas at least 1 month per year. This number will increase from 33 to 58% to 4.8 to 5.7 billion by 2050.

Total Renewable Internal Freshwater Resources

SN Country

  1. 1  Brazil
  2. 2  Russia
  3. 3  Canada
  4. 4  United States

Total renewable water resources (km3) 8,233


Eight Countries that wastes the most water during use

  • China – 362 trillion gallons.
  • United States – 216 trillion gallons.
  • Brazil – 95 trillion gallons.
  • Russia – 71 trillion gallons.
  • Mexico – 53 trillion gallons.
  • India – 30 trillion gallons.
  • England – 20 trillion gallons.
  • France – 20 trillion gallons.

Global data & facts on water

Water on Earth is essentially salty, and it is the evaporation of this water on the

oceans that mainly feeds the great water cycle, through evaporation,

condensation and precipitation, whose thermal engine is solar radiation. This

cycle supplies water to the continents and breaks down into blue water flowing

in rivers and groundwater, and green water, which is stored in the soil after rain

and is recovered and transpired by vegetation. These flows are almost entirely

used by natural continental and coastal ecosystems, as life has developed

everywhere to the limits of available resources. Globally, the share of this

resource consumed by humanity is still modest: 7% of blue water and 9% of

green water, but the spatial distribution of the humanity is not consistent with

the spatial distribution of water resources: 21.5% of humanity is concentrated in

steppes and arid zones with only 2% of the planet’s blue water resources. In

addition, water needs are increasing due to population growth and changes in

food habits, while water resources are being affected by climate change. How to

solve this challenge of balancing supply and demand in 2050, and a fortiori in

2100, by avoiding, if possible, shortages, famines, bloody conflicts, and


Just How much water do we have in the world?

The planet Earth was, at the time of its formation, initially anhydrous or low in

water, which had accumulated in the Jovian planets further from the sun, and in

the comet belts (Oort cloud and Kuiper belt); the Earth received most of its

water during the first hundreds of millions of years of its existence, and is

proportionally the richest in water of the telluric planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth

and Mars). The European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission, which sent

the Philae probe on November 12, 2014 to land on the comet 67P/Churyumov-

Gerasimenko and measure in particular the content of Deuterium in its ice:

twice as rich in this isotope of hydrogen as water from the Earth; this type of

comets (at least) cannot therefore be at the origin of terrestrial water, instead,

the eyes turn to a bombardment by rocky or ferrous asteroids also containing a

little water.

Water on Earth is 97% salty, it is its evaporation by solar radiation that feeds

the great water cycle, by condensation and precipitation. In this way, 113,000

km3/year are brought to the continents, an enormous volume (1270 times the

volume of Lake Geneva) that is broken down into blue water, the one that falls

and flows into rivers and aquifers (32%), in green water, that stored in soils

after rain, taken up by roots and transpired by vegetation (65%) and 3%

in merge water from icebergs (Hoekstra and Mekonnen, 2012). Our water

resource is essentially these inputs from the great water cycle.

Global warming (read the climate machine) will accelerate this cycle and on

average increase precipitation while displacing climate zones towards the poles,

causing an aridification of Mediterranean latitudes: 110 million hectares (ha)

cultivable in these latitudes should be lost, but 160 million ha should be won in

northern latitudes (Canada, Siberia) by warming. The frequency of extreme

events (floods, droughts) is also expected to increase. In France, a 10 to 20%

decrease in precipitation is expected by the end of the century, mainly in


Men currently consume 7% of the blue water flow, but withdrawals are higher

(13%), the consumed part (mainly irrigation water) evaporates and returns to the

atmosphere; the unused part remains liquid, infiltrates, and returns to

groundwater and rivers. We use 9% of the green water for agriculture, the rest

goes to natural ecosystems (forests, savannahs, wetlands). We also take a

little of fossil water from the stocks contained in the large aquifers of a few

countries (India, United States, China, China, Pakistan, Iran, Mexico) at a rate

of about 100 km3/year, but this situation is not sustainable, the stocks of these

aquifers will be depleted in a few decades, requiring the collection of water by

channels in the large Himalayan rivers or in other water-rich sites. The fusion

of high mountain glaciers due to the overheating of some rivers from the Alps,

Himalayas, Rocky Mountains, and especially the Andes Cordillera, where cities

like La Paz and the Pacific coast of Peru now live mainly on these melting

waters, which will have dried up in less than 30 years.

The quantity of domestic water, a definition of which can be used ranges from

20 to 500 l/day per person, on average 300 l/d, or 110 m3/year per person. In

France, it is estimated at 150 l/day. In 2050, the world population world

population should increase to 9.5 billion* and to 11 billion in 2100, with

worrying growth mainly in Africa (1 billion in 2000, 2.5 billion in 2050 and 4.2

billion in 2100). With 250 l/d, the total amount of water needed for the planet in

2050 would represent 870 km3/year, or 0.8% of precipitation, or 2.4% of blue

water. Domestic water is therefore not a problem of quantity, but only of

transport and quality, so of supply and treatment infrastructure. The planet will

never have a shortage of domestic water if it builds these infrastructures in time.

The city of Windhoek (350,000 inhabitants), the capital of Namibia in the

middle of the desert, has been supplied with water for 30 years by a dam and an

800 km long pipe, as well as by the recycling of its treated wastewater, which is

re-injected into the local groundwater… !

Due to a lack of cultivable land or water: their population has exceeded the

country’s capacity to feed them from local resources, and eating habits have

changed; they have to import food from countries with surplus production

(North and South America, Australia, Thailand, France). More than 30% of the

food produced on the planet is now transported from one country to another,

mainly by boat; it is referred to as virtual water, because water-deficit countries

balance this deficit not by importing water, but food, which required water to be


Importing countries, to pay for these imports, sell energy or mineral raw

materials, have industrial or tertiary activities, tourism, or have financial returns

from the emigrant diaspora. Some countries export high-value agricultural

products (coffee, cocoa, cotton) and import food. But importing countries are

then dependent, with the risk of political pressure and price pressure in the event

of a global shortage. Food autonomy is impossible to achieve today for all

countries in the arid zone (North Africa, Middle East) and tomorrow for the

whole of Asia, due to the lack of arable land. We see countries like China

buying important farmland in developing countries (especially Africa and South

America) to grow their own crops and then import the food they need into their

countries. Jordan thus depends for 70% on virtual water from abroad, Djibouti

for more than 90%. Figure below shows the regions of the world according to

their blue water resources or needs.

The water of tomorrow

In 2050, to supply everyone with the current diet, 11,000 km3 of water per year would be needed, which is possible if deficit countries can afford to buy
their food from exporting countries, and if they agree to produce beyond their own needs. If meat consumption accelerates, it will take 13,000 km3/year. Meat consumption has a very large effect on water requirements: 13,000 litres of water are required to produce 1 kg of grain-fed beef, which is 13 times more than for 1 kg of wheat! These 11,000 to 13,000 km3/year will be divided between rainfed and irrigated agriculture: we will have to increase yields and cultivated areas everywhere. But who says more rainfed agriculture ditch clearance and who says more
irrigation ditch dam construction? The construction of dams or clearing will necessarily have harmful environmental consequences, but if the world’s population continues to grow, should we not try to feed it in the least harmful way possible? Seawater desalination has a cost of about 0.7 €/m3, and an

electricity consumption of 2 to 4 kWh/m3 : this is about ten times too much for irrigation water, but acceptable for domestic water.

Some probable action plans ( not exhaustive) to soften the colour contrast in the forecast for 2050:

Reduce the use of fresh water for avoidable purposes like gardening, washing, irrigation, etc., Focus on non-water intensive crops for agriculture, sensitise, motivate with special concessions
Change dietary habits which consumes lesser water for the same qualitative food. Water recycling & reuse for majority of day today use. Enhanced water audit.

References and notes

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About Author

Mr. Kumar Sarangapani, Managing Partner Varaha Pipeline Engineering & Business Solutions LLP & Marine Specialist Project Consultant (RO) for community plants developed by Government Projects in Tamilnadu, Andra Pradesh, Maharashtra & Gujarat.

Kumar is”chemical engineer with about 40 years of experience.

Twitter– KumarSarangapa1

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