
Minister of Textiles Smriti Irani launches first ever Brand & Logo for Indian Cotton on 2nd World Cotton Day

Minister of Textiles Smriti Irani yesterday launched the first ever Brand and Logo for Indian Cotton on Second World Cotton Day through video conferencing.

Now India’s premium cotton would be known as ‘Kasturi Cotton’ in the world cotton trade. The Kasturi Cotton brand will represent Whiteness, Brightness, Softness, Purity, Luster, Uniqueness and Indianness.

Speaking on this occasion, Ms Irani said, this is a much awaited moment as the Indian Cotton has been endowed with a Brand and Logo.

The Minister recounted the importance of cotton in Indian economy. She said, cotton is one of the principal commercial crops of the country and it provides livelihood to about six million cotton farmers. She said, India is the second largest cotton producer and the largest consumer of cotton in the world.

It produces about six million tonnes of cotton every year which is about 23 per cent of the world cotton. She said,  India produces about 51 per cent of the total organic cotton production of the world, which demonstrates India’s effort towards sustainability.

Ms Irani also said that Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) made ever highest Minimum Support Price (MSP) operation of cotton. She  hoped that during the new cotton season, the procurement under MSP will be increased. She said, CCI has opened 430 procurement centres in all cotton growing states and payments are being made digitally to farmers’ account within 72 hours.

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