Railway delivers 450 MT of liquid medical oxygen to Maharashtra, UP, Delhi

Railway has delivered 450 metric tonnes of liquid medical oxygen to Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi in six Oxygen express.
It has delivered this liquid medical oxygen through 26 tankers covering more than ten thousand kilometres.
Railway Ministry said, Indian Railways is continuing its journey of delivering liquid medical oxygen to various parts of the country.
Delhi has received its first Oxygen express carrying more than 70 metric tonnes of liquid medical oxygen today early morning.
The Ministry said, currently, another oxygen express is on the run from Bokaro to Bhopal via Jabalpur.
This train is carrying 90 metric tonnes of liquid medical oxygen in six tankers, which will replenish oxygen demand in Madhya Pradesh.
Another empty rake from Lucknow has reached Bokaro, which will bring another set of oxygen tankers replenishing oxygen supply to Uttar Pradesh.
As per provisional estimates, Railways has delivered 202 metric tonnes to Uttar Pradesh, 174 metric tonnes to Maharashtra and 70 metric tonnes to Delhi.
Madhya Pradesh will receive 64 metric tonnes in next 24 hrs.

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