
NITI Aayog to launch second edition of Sustainable Development Goals India Index today

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NITI Aayog will launch the second edition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index in New Delhi today. The Index documents the progress made by India’s States and Union Territories towards implementing the 2030 SDG targets.

NITI Aayog will also launch the Dashboard 2019-20. The SDG India Index and Dashboard track the progress of States and rank all States and Union Territories on 100 indicators drawn from Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation’s National Indicator Framework, comprising 306 indicators.

It indicates where the country and its States and UTs currently are on SDG implementation. It also charts the distance to be travelled to reach the SDG targets.

The Index covers 16 out of 17 SDGs and a qualitative assessment on Goal 17.

This marks an improvement over the 2018 SDG Index, which covered only 13 goals.

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