
New India-UK scheme to fund students from UK to visit India

A new India-UK bilateral pilot scheme has been launched to support Britain’s universities to collaborate with Indian partners to send UK students to India during their studies. The “UKEIRI Mobility Programme: Study in India”, an initiative of Universities UK International (UUKI) and British Council India, opened yesterday. 

It aims to generate up to 200 opportunities for undergraduate students at UK universities to visit India by March 2021. Priority for the programme to visit India during their courses will be given to students from traditionally underrepresented groups. 

The Study in India programme will support national and institutional-level objectives to increase the levels of outward student mobility from the UK to 13 per cent by 2020, as set out in UUKi’s “Go International: Stand Out” campaign.

The programme will be funded by the UK and Indian governments as part of Phase 3 of the UK-India Education Research Initiative (UKEIRI) and delivered by the British Council, Universities UK International and EdCIL in India. 

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