
Lok Sabha passes bill to extend reservation for SCs/STs for Lok Sabha, State Assembly seats

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The Lok Sabha yesterday passed the Constitution (126th Amendment) Bill, 2019 with bipartisan support. All 355 members in the House voted in favour of the Bill when it was put to division. The amendment seeks to extend reservation of seats in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies for SCs and STs by another ten years.

Originally the reservation was to expire by the 25th January next year, and the Bill is intended to extend it till 25th January 2030. Replying the discussion in the house, Minister of Law and Justice Ravi Shankar Prasad said, a new generation of leadership is arising from among the deprived communities due to the political reservation being extended to them.

Mr Prasad said, there is no need for initiating any discussion on creamy layer among the SCs and STs. On reservation in private sector, he said the private industries are being sensitized about it. He also said the Government is working with the Supreme Court to increase the representation of the deprived sections in the higher judiciary so that the most talented members could render their services to the nation.

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