Regional News

Lockdown in 8 zones in Gurugram for 2 weeks

In view of fast rising Covid-19 cases, the Gurugram administration has identified 8 containment zones in the district and will enforce a complete lockdown for two weeks, an official said.

Gurugram District Magistrate Amit Khatri said that these wards are identified as large outbreak zones.

“Under the provision of Disaster Management Act, human movement will be completely banned here from two weeks from June 30 to July 14. The violators will be liable to face action under Disaster Management Act 2005 and relevant sections of IPC,” Khatri said.

The large outbreak areas are identified as ward number 4 Dundehera, ward number 16 Arjun Nagar, Jyoti Park, Madanpuri, Ward number 17 Ratan garden and Shiv Puri, Ward number 20 Shivaji Nagar and Shanti nagar, Ward number 21 Baldev Nagar, Feroz Gandhi Colony, Ravi Nagar, Ward number 22 Hira Nagar, Gandhi Nagar Shvaji Park, Ward number 23 Hari Nagar Shakti Park and Ward number 35 DLF phase 3 Nathupur.

These areas will be completely barricaded from all exit points followed by adequate police deployment to prevent violation. The movement of residents will be allowed only for emergency situations.

“Health department will also start door to door screening in these areas through rapid antigen test to identify suspects. It will be mandatory for residents to install Aarogya Setu app and they have to undergo thermal as well as symptomatic screening every time they step out of their houses for buying daily needs domestic items,” Khatri said.

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