
Hindi is 3rd most spoken language in the world with 615 million speakers after English, Mandarin

Hindi is the 3rd most spoken language of the world in 2019 with 615 million speakers. The 22nd edition of the world language database Ethnologue stated English at the top of the list with 1,132 million speakers. Chines Mandarin is at the second position with 1,117 million speakers.

Bangla has been ranked as the 7th most spoken language of the world. Bangla has 228 million native speakers.

Ethnologue brings out an yearly database of living languages of the world since its establishment in 1951.

The current round of the database covers 7,111 living languages of the world. In addition to living languages, Ethnologue also contains data on languages which have gone out of use in recent history. This edition lists 348 such languages.

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