The gross GST revenue collected in the month of February 2021 is 1,13,143 crore of which CGST is & 21,092 crore, SGST is { 27,273 crore, IGST is ? 55,253 crore (including ? 24,382 crore collected on import of goods) and Cess is & 9,525 crore (including ? 660 crore collected on import of goods).
The government has settled 22,398 crore to CGST and ? 17,534 crore to SGST from IGST as regular settlement. In addition, Centre has also settled ? 48,000 crore as IGST ad-học settlement in the ratio of 50:50 between Centre and States/UTs. The total revenue of Centre and the States after regular settlement and ad-hoc settlement in the month of February 2021 is ? 67,490 crore for CGST and ? 68,807 crore for the SGST.