CSBC Bihar Constable exam on March 8. 6 lakh candidates to appear against 11880 vacancies

Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) will conduct the written exam for constable recruitment under advertisement number 02/2019 on March 8, 2020. The CSBC exam was earlier scheduled to be held on January 20 which was then postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

The admit card for the exam will be released on February 20, 2020 at Candidates will have to download the fresh admit card. The admit card that was earlier issued for January 20 exam will be invalid. Around 6 lakh candidates are expected to take the exam.

The exam will be held in two sittings i.e., 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm.

Candidates who face difficulty in downloading the e-call letter can visit the CSBC office on March 4 and 5 between 10 am to 5 pm to get a duplicate copy of the admit card.

The CSBC had on October 4 issued notification to fill 11,880 vacancies of constables in Bihar Police, Bihar Military Police (BMP), Special India Reserve Battalion (SIRB) and Bihar State Industrial Security Battalion (BSISB).

CSBC has already conducted one exam for the recruitment on January 12.

Selection process: Candidates will have to appear in a written test that will comprise of 100 questions and candidates will get 2 hours to solve them . The standard of the question paper will be of 10+2 level. The written test will be qualifying in nature and candidates who clear the exam will have to take physical efficiency test.

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