ATMA 2020 Result declared for Feb 9 exam

AIMS ATMA 20202 RESULT: Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) has declared the results for AIMS Test for Management Aptitude 2020 exam. AIMS ATMA exam was conducted on February 9, 2020. Ankit Udit Thakker has topped the exam by scoring the highest 99.98%

Pranesh Naresh Bhavnani has secured second position by scoring 99.95% while Shubham Prakash Deora has got third position who scored 99.93%. Full merit list can be checked online at

AIMS ATMA 2020 second exam will be conducted on May 17 and the third test will be held in the month of July. The date of July exam has not been declared yet.


ATMA is a credible, comprehensive and single-window test for admissions to numerous Post-Graduate Management Programs like MBA, PGDM, MCA, MMS and other management post graduate courses ( subject to local regulations). ATMA is a high quality, online objective type Nationally accepted entrance test. This test is recognized by AICTE and Ministry of HRD, Government of India and is conducted across all the states in India.

ATMA does not require any specific prior knowledge of business or other subject areas, nor does it seek to measure achievement in any particular field. The Test is designed to assess the aptitude of the students for Higher Management Education and primarily consists of sections on verbal, quantitative and analytical reasoning skills.

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