95,909 people vaccinated during Covid-19 vaccination drive in Gujarat

In Gujarat, 95,909 people have been vaccinated so far during the COVID-19 vaccination drive which began from 16th of January.

According to the State Health Department, 3,787 people- most of them health care workers were vaccinated yesterday. AIR correspondent reports that Gujarat will cross one lakh mark of total vaccination today, which will be the one-fourth of the target of the first phase. Though the rate of vaccination in the state is moderate, many doctors are showing enthusiasm for taking COVID-19 vaccine.

State Vaccination Officer Dr. Nayan Jani has said that there is no significant report of side effects of COVID-19 vaccine till now. Director of Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar Professor Dilip Mavalankar said that every vaccination programme has some side effects, but the side effects of COVID-19 vaccine are negligible.

Addressing a webinar, he said that all should get vaccinated without any apprehension. An Ahmedabad-based Pathologist Dr. Mukesh Maheshwari said that both the vaccines have undergone necessary scrutiny. He said that it is the only weapon against the COVID-19 to ensure herd immunity.

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