06th February, 2021, total number of vaccinated beneficiaries surpassed 54 lakhs

Registered unprecedented record in the number of COVID-19 cumulative tests. It has crossed the landmark of 20 crore India has an (20,06,72,589) total tests today.7,40,794 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours.

Progressive countrywide expansion in testing infrastructure has played a crucial role in the steep rise of testing numbers. With 2369 testing labs in the country including 1,214 Government 1,155 laboratories, the daily testing capacity has got a substantial boost.

laboratories and Private The cumulative positivity rate is also declining and presently pegged at 5.39%.

India is the fastest country to reach the 5 million mark in COVID19 vaccination. This feat was achieved in merely 21 days. Several other countries have had a head start of more than 60 days in the COVID19 vaccination exercise.

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