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Post COVID 19, should we focus on psychology or economy

Written by Amrutha G V

The question of should the country like India focus on the psychological problems of Indians and address them or should India focus on economy of the people and the nation at large is quite tricky to answer.  Both are equally important but still in such equality statement something scores greater importance than the other and which is psychology and not the economy.  

Economic imperiousness or downturn can be easily addressed if right psychology is applied or used.  But even the robust and fast galloping economy also cannot assure right psychology in people otherwise the people in most of the far developed countries should have been the happiest than those living in poor countries.  Terrorism, emergence of sociopath and psychopath, the pain of isolation, neglect, distress, loneliness and destitute state of mind are seen mostly among people in far developed countries than in India, thanks to our spiritual roots, sacred Hinduism and the influence of Lord Ram and Lord Krishna. 

Today Japan has become the global powerhouse of science and technology from the total ruins of World War II which emerged like Phoenix bird truly due to the collective positive psychology of the country where every citizen developed clear vision for the country, pledged their commitment and submitted their selfless efforts for the above cause.   Today Japan is also an economic super power.  But it appears the same Japan is losing the psychology and people are facing solitude and resolute state. 

Whenever a war or natural calamity or other types of catastrophe strikes the nation and make the people totally hopeless, the collective conscience should be not the economic tokenism or freebies but to build positive energy, positive psychology and positive vision among people. 

In the battlefield of Kurushetra, Lord Krishna did not teach Arjuna how to shoot the arrow or other war techniques but gave him positive councillor as how to perform his duties incessantly and unconditionally as a warrior and saviour of his kingdom.  

The Bhagavad Gita is a wonderful ocean of wisdom of Hinduism to the world and which enshrines the human psychology, management, leadership equations, relationship, philosophy, science, spirituality and essentials of eternal happiness.   

Bhagavad Gita is an immortal stem cell of global wisdom and practical guidelines to win both the world outside of us as well as the world within each of us. 

Novel coronavirus pandemic has shambled India and ruined our economy and livelihood of many.  The effect of COVID pandemic is global and hence India is no exception.  The countries that are wading exclusively over the economic goal post are bounds to fall but India shall remain strong and will also regain its glory thanks to the spiritual essence of our country.

The problem of man today, post COVID lockdown is not just economy but psychology as well.  

Fear of the virus, fear of death, fear of transmitting the virus, loss of livelihood, loss of employment and job opportunity along with anguish over the looming future of the young ones, all of them collectively have attacked man and his thinking.  Even if we give lakhs of rupees to all such people, we cannot help them and instead they need serious psychological healing more than economic healing. 

The psychology of a country can be energized and gravitated towards positivism and which is possible only through helping people to retrace our roots, sacred and serene past and the spiritual guardian-ism of culture and tradition.   Positive vision and positive energy is the real need of the hour and not just economic activities or open free market based economy. 

People at individual and collective level must be encouraged to re-invent the very purpose and meaning of human birth and existence, the importance of authentic karma without any reward, importance of sacrifice and altruism to build a new India to tempt even Lord Krishna and Ram to come back to live in India. 

Economy needs to be improved so are all economic activities.  But instead of reading SENSEX or stock market details, we need to understand how the COVID and the subsequent lockdown have impaired human mind and human relationship with a sense of compassion and sympathy.  We also as a country must bring more spiritual and Hinduistic inclusive-ness to transform people metaphorically from utter materialism to spiritualism at least for a transient period of time.   Collective and enthusiastic workmanship and craftsmanship every citizen must submit to our nation instead of questing or slapping criticism over our economy because COVID was indeed an act of God. 

Relationship has broken; man started to work in silo and has lost his ethical, emotional and logical generality due to economic downturn.  We must tactfully imprison people with the essence of Bhagavad Gita so that their hopes are set to a new horizon and not shattered to the abyss of sorrow.   Let us think of how to bring back value systems and humanism first and then shall think of economy.  

About the author

Amruthavalli G.V – M.Pharmacy from JSS college of Pharmacy,Ootacamund,Tamilnadu. Worked in Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore, Asthagiri herbal research foundation, Chennai and Dr.JRK’s Research and Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, Chennai. Have published about 100 original research articles in herbal medicine.



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