
Nathuram Godse: A villain or a saviour?

Pre independent india had the two largest political parties Indian National Congress and All-India Muslim League. On the 16th of August 1946, leader of All-India Muslim League, Mohammad Ali Jinnah called for “Direct Action Day” to press for the creation of separate Islamic State, Pakistan, because Congress had rejected the proposal earlier.

Jinnah had proclaimed, “we shall have ‘either a divided India or a destroyed India.’” He called for Muslims all over the country to convey लड़ के लेंगें पाकिस्तान (We’ll fight to get Pakistan.) “…..this is the time we have to retaliate, and you have to answer brutality with brutality.”

Bengal being the only province in India under All India Muslim League rule was chosen by the Muslim League leadership as the suitable place for “demonstrating” Direct Action. Within no time army of Muslim League goons assembled in mosques armed with iron rods, sticks, swords and weapons, and started butchering Hindus and Sikhs with sole intention of terrorising and forcing them to accept Bengal’s inclusion into the proposed Pakistan. This is how “Direct Action Day” turned into “Great Calcutta Killing.” It was four days—between August 16 and 19, 1946—of massive one sided massacres of Hindus in Calcutta. Aftermath was so horrific that roads and streets of Calcutta were strewn with dead bodies where vultures were circling over them.

It was “Direct Action Day” when seeds of Noakhali riots had been planted. In Noakhali, the violence started on 10 October 1946. As per their agenda the Muslims went on rampage to massacre Hindus and Sikhs, gang rape their women, abduct their children to convert them forcibly. Villages were burnt to ashes, survivor fled. There was death, destruction and despair everywhere.

After “Great Calcutta Killing” Gandhi Ji, so called non violence preacher, did not give any statement as a reaction. Neither Gandhiji nor Nehru cared to visit Calcutta to see Hindu holocaust of August 1946.

When news of the Noakhali riots reached New Delhi, Gandhi Ji, was already considering the possibility of dying there. He wrote in a letter: “There is an art of dying… As it is, all die, but one has to learn by practice how to die a beautiful death.” How would a citizen have reacted to hear such statement after his near and dear ones were killed in riot and his home was burnt into ashes, today?

Are Hindus born to die? What is the art of dying when a woman is raped, her man is slaughtered, kids abducted to convert to Islam and her home is burnt to ashes? Here is Gandhi Ji, who is implicitly asking Hindus to die or submit themselves.

Difference between Nathuram Godse and other ignorant witnesses were he couldn’t control himself to be a mute spectator, he couldn’t control his outburst. Ramayan happened to protect honour of Sita. Mahabharat took place to fight for dignity of Draupadi.

When Hindus occupied mosques in Delhi, Gandhiji went on fast unto death. But, when Hindus in Lahore were subjected to violent attacks, he did not utter a single word to protest. There are innumerable incidents when Gandhi Ji turned blind eyes at Hindu persecution executed by Muslims.

Pakistan had attacked India to grab Jammu & Kashmir on October 22, 1947. The war had continued for over a year. After India defeated the rogue nation India decided not to hand over the remaining Rs 55 crores. Shockingly, Mahatma Gandhi threatened to go on a fast to force the Government of India to pay Rs 55 crores to Pakistan.

A question from Nathuram Godse, “How would today’s India have reacted if they know the unadulterated and real history of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi?



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