
Myanmar military amends rules for intensified crackdown, protests continue

Armoured vehicles were seen on the roads of Yangon on Sunday even as protests continued in the town. The American Embassy issued an advisory to its people asking them to stay at home as there are indications of military possibility of interruption between 1 a.m. and 9 a.m. local movement and telecom time.

As part of the continuing Civil Disobedience Movement, trains in parts of the country stopped running after staff refused to work, reports Reuters. Hundreds of Railway workers joined demonstrations in Yangon on Sunday, defying orders from the Army Chief Gen. Hlaing asking government employees to go back to work. In Kachin state army was deployed at power plants to control electricity supply which was opposed by workers leading to confrontation.

The Myanmar military Tatmadaw issued arrest warrants against seven well known artists and democracy activists accusing them of inciting people against the government and disturbing public peace.

It includes singer Linn Linn, Insein Aung Soe, the director of Bayda Institute for a Just Society Myo Yan Naung Thein, presenter Maung Maung Aye and Facebook celebrity Ei organisation tracking political prisoners in Myanmar AAPP, till now 360 people supporting the protests are under arrest or detention in Myanmar. Pencilo.

According to the The military government also announced a series of amendments to the constitution giving it sweeping powers to search houses and arrest people without warrant. The highest decision making body of the Myanmar military government State Administration Council headed by Gen Min Aung Hlaing enacted a law under which authorities can enter residential premises of people without warrant and detain them for upto 24 hours without orders from court.

The military government also notified another amendment on the official website on Sunday according to which the people will be required to report if any guest from other wards stays overnight at their homes. This law was abolished earlier under the government headed by deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi.



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