
PUBG Mobile 0.16.0 update: Death race ‘Rage Gear’ mode rolling out on December 11

PUBG Mobile will be getting a new update very soon. PUBG Mobile 0.16.0 is slated to bring new features like snow in Erangel map, TPP to FPP switch and a new death race mode. A new leak now confirms the death race mode will arrive in PUBG Mobile on December 11.

Death race mode will actually be called ‘Rage Gear’ and it will be available in EvoGround. According to the latest video by Mr. Ghost Gaming, Rage Gear mode will be rolled out to PUBG Mobile on December 11. This also indicates that PUBG Mobile 0.16.0 update will most likely arrive two days earlier possibly on December 9. New gaming modes usually arrive two or three days after the update is made available.

Rage Gear mode involves a death race-like situation where players battle against enemies in armoured vehicles in a warehouse-like venue in Miramar. Here, the motive is to kill enemy players using the armoured vehicles or use special heavy weapons available for this Rage Gear mode. Players will also get access to special crates spread around the course which have to be collected from the car itself.

PUBG Mobile 0.16.0 update is also bringing features like TPP to FPP switch which can be enabled from the settings menu. Once it’s enabled the TPP-FPP switch will appear at the bottom of the screen. Players can tap on it whenever they wish to switch from TPP to FPP and vice-versa. PUBG Mobile 0.16.0 update will also brig snow covered areas in Erangel map.

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