President Droupadi Murmu, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have paid tributes to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on his birth anniversary, which is observed as Parakram Diwas. In a social media post, the President said that Netaji is among the most resolute and inspiring figures in India’s freedom struggle. The President added, that his clarion call for freedom inspired millions of Indians to join the struggle for independence. The President said that Netaji’s relentless determination to achieve freedom and his courageous leadership of Azad Hind Fauj will continue to inspire generations of Indians.
In his message, the Vice-President said, that Netaji’s exemplary dedication to India’s Independence and the formation of Azad Hind Fauj stand as a testament to his extraordinary vision and valour. Mr Dhankhar added that Netaji’s valour, nationalistic fervour, and monumental contribution to freeing India from foreign rule continue to inspire countless Indians. He personified selfless devotion to the cause of the motherland.
Prime Minister Modi said that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s contribution to India’s freedom movement is unparalleled. Mr. Modi added that he epitomized courage and grit. His vision continues to motivate the country as we work towards building the India he envisioned.