Kerala PSC Notification 2019 released for over 1200 administrative service posts

Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has released an official notification for Kerala Administrative Service Exam. There are over 1200 vacancies in over 135 posts. The online application process has been started from November 1 and the last date to apply is December 4.

The Recruitment will be done through three streams i.e. Stream-1, Stream-2, Stream-3. Stream 1 is for direct recruitment while Stream 2 and Stream 3 are for the candidates already working under government departments.

Education Qualifications:

Applicant must have obtained a Bachelor Degree including professional course in any subject.

Scheme of examinations:

The recruitment process will go through three stages namely, preliminary exam, main exam and interview.


The maximum marks for interview is fixed as 50 marks. Marks of Main examination and interview will be considered for ranking.  

Every candidate who will qualify these three level will be appointed to KAS (junior time scale) and he/she will be on a probation period of 2 years on duty. They will also go under training for 18 months.

Departmental Exam: On Successful completion of probation who have not studied Malyalam language in matric level should pass a Malayalam proficiency test along with other departmental tests.

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